The model presented below consists of two modules. The first module is the cooperation module. Therein people get together on a voluntary basis and collaborate to find solutions for current tasks and challenges. A permanent voting system allows people to assign a mandate to a delegate, so that he can represent them. Delegates can be recalled at any time. Councils of delegates exist on the regional, national and global level. The task of a delegate is to initiate, plan and supervise the implementation of projects. This entails small projects aiming at improving the living conditions of individuals up to realizing global solutions intended to counteract climate change, the destruction of the environment, and wars. The option to decide if a project should be performed is the decision of the people themselves, because every project must collect the financial means required for its realization by crowdfunding.
The second module is the financial module. It gives all people equal access to financial means, because everyone participates in the same form in the creation of money of the new complementary currency. Thus giving everyone equal access to the global resources which they need for their living and survival. Thereby the second module already contains a basic component that fights poverty and hunger throughout the world and reduces economic dependencies. This fundamental financial support ensures in an easy way that every human being can take part in deciding which projects will get access to resources.
Cooperation module
The cooperation module provides structures that will put people in a position to enter into exchange and cooperate with each other on a voluntary basis. These structures are designed to enable everyone to solve current tasks and challenges in a way that is to the benefit of all people without disadvantage to individual people or groups. In this document the duration of one month defines a period of 30 days.
Organizational levels
There are three levels on which people can get actively involved as delegates in order to solve current tasks and challenges. There is a regional, national and global level. Anyone can apply as delegate for any level independent of their place of stay or residence. A person can be an active delegate for more than one group at the same time. While the global level includes the entire planet, the other two levels are preferably subdivided into geographic regions. In the beginning the distribution on the national level can follow the existing borders of nation states and subsequently be replaced or complemented by a geographic or ethnic distribution. As people can be members of various groups on the regional and national level, it is possible to re-model existing multi-layered organizational structures below the national level, if necessary. Thus a resident of a community elects a delegate for this community, a delegate for the larger municipality, and a delegate for the district. In addition to the municipal council of delegates it can be useful for large cities to provide a council of delegates for each urban district that is in charge of tasks that are only relevant for that district. As a matter of principle, the distribution of the national and regional levels is not static, but people can create additional groups at any time. In order for a group to be eligible to be represented by delegates, it has to summon at least 1.000 members on the regional level and 100.000 members on the national level. If a group falls below the minimally required number of members it loses the eligibility for representation and the delegates lose their mandates after a period of grace of one month. In the beginning each individual is only assigned to the global group. It is everyone’s own responsibility to decide which groups someone wants to be a member of.
Election of delegates
The maximum number of members of a council of delegates for each of the three levels is fixed. The number of votes that are required for a person to receive a mandate as delegate results from the maximum number of delegates allowed for a council. For the global level a maximum of 10.000 delegates is intended. With a global population of 7.5 billion people a candidate needs at least 750.000 votes for obtaining a mandate in the global council of delegates. These 750.000 votes represent 1/10.000 of all available votes. There is no age limit for voting, everybody can vote. The number of members of a national council is limited to 1.000 delegates and to 100 delegates for a regional council. Thus candidates on the national level need at least one per mil and candidates on the regional level at least one per cent of the votes of the members of the group which they want to represent as delegates. Elections do not take place at a specific target date, but instead you can vote at any time and the effect is immediate. As soon as a person supports a delegate with his vote, this vote cannot be withdrawn from the delegate for a certain period of time. This period is to protect the delegate from public manipulation in the form of the dissemination of false information that could result in the immediate withdraw of all votes. The duration of this period of protection is set to one month for the regional level, three months for the national level, and six months for the global level. After expiry of this period of protection the vote remains with the delegate until it is actively withdrawn. Votes do not have to be assigned, but can remain unassigned. If a vote that has been assigned to a candidate or delegate is assigned to another candidate or delegate of the same council it is withdrawn automatically.
As delegates can be assigned more than the minimum number of votes it can be assumed that the number of delegates of a council is often significantly lower than the maximum number of members. New candidates can run for a mandate as delegate at any time. This guarantees that there are always new persons that can move up and dedicate themselves to a specific topic that has just recently become important for people. If a delegate resigns from his mandate, or a candidate from his application for a mandate, all assigned votes are automatically released and can be reassigned. Any period of protection is cancelled. This also applies in case of death of a delegate or candidate. The assigned votes cannot be transmitted from a candidate or delegate to another candidate or delegate. Neither has a candidate nor a delegate the possibility to shorten or cancel the period of protection for a specific vote. The period of protection can only be cancelled for all votes if a delegate resigns from his mandate or if a candidate withdraws his candidacy. If votes are withdrawn from a delegate and he falls below the minimum number of required votes he maintains his status as delegate for a period of grace of one month. During this time he has the possibility to seek new supporters so that he can maintain his mandate. This is to ensure that mandates are carried out continuously, even if a delegate is only able to obtain slightly more than the minimum number of required votes for a mandate. If he cannot renew his mandate with new votes it is his duty to make sure that the projects he has been involved in can be continued and implemented after he resigns.
Financial independence
The voters have the possibility to provide financial resources for the delegates’ personal use, so that the delegates can act as independently as possible. This financial support is independent of the support by vote. With this support system each person can provide a delegate with up to 10 units of the complementary currency each month. The financial support can be changed at any time without any waiting period. Whereas there is only one vote per person in each council, there is no limit on the number of delegates a person can support financially. Each person can financially support any desired number of delegates, even within the same council. If a delegate on the global level was supported by each of his minimally required 750.000 supporters with one currency unit per month, he would thus dispose of a budget of 750.000 currency units per month. The financial means provided voluntarily by the supporters are the only financial source in this model that delegates dispose of in order to finance their activities. There is no other compensation for the expenses of the delegates. Also candidates that have not yet obtained a mandate are entitled to receive financial support as of their candidature for any council. The financial means received via this system are freely available to the delegates and have no relation to project financing. For this reason it is the personal choice of a delegate if he discloses what the provided means are used for, as they also serve to cover his living expenses which are part of his privacy.
Planning and financing of projects
The only duty of the delegates is to develop or order the development of proposals for solutions and to plan projects that are able to implement the envisioned solutions. Besides the detailed planning of the individual steps, this mainly requires the detailed scheduling and planning of resources. This is necessary, so that the required financial means can be estimated as exactly and comprehensively as possible before the start of the project. All project details can be inspected anytime by anybody. A platform for the administration of the projects is provided that stores all information including their revision history. In addition to this, tools are provided that assist in the decentral editing of all documentation. Regarding these tools it is the responsibility of the delegates to consolidate different user requirements and provide people with access in a way that everybody can participate in the desired form and extent. Each person can comment on a project, which is a possibility that cannot be limited. It is not possible to completely delete documents or comments, as the revision history of all documentation will be stored permanently. Once a project has been planned completely and as soon as two delegates have taken charge of the implementation of the project, it can pass from the planning to the financing phase.
The purpose of the financing phase is to supply the project with the required financial resources, in order to implement it. Everybody can contribute any desired amount of money in order to support the project. Before the start of the financing phase it has to be defined within which period of time the required means need to be made available. If a project does not receive the required financial resources before the end of this period of time, the collected funds will automatically be returned to the supporters after expiration of the financing phase. In order not to block funds longer than necessary the maximum financing period is limited to one month for regional projects, two months for national projects, and three months for global projects. If a project does not manage to acquire the required financial resources it returns to the planning phase. The delegates that are in charge of the project and other interested participants can then consider if and how to change the planning so that next time the financing phase can be passed successfully.
As soon as the financing phase has been passed successfully the project enters the implementation phase. During this phase it is the duty of the delegates to supervise the project and to take all necessary steps for the implementation. During implementation the project’s progress has to be continuously updated in the project documentation. In case the project consumes more resources than planned, a supplementary project has to be started and passed through the financing phase as early as possible in order to avoid that the project runs out of budget and has to be stopped. A project cannot re-enter the financing phase once it has passed it successfully. If there are excess funds after the project has been completed, these will be returned to the supporters proportionately to their contribution. If a delegate loses his mandate during the financing or implementation phase of a project, he can still supervise the project until completion. If the financing phase has not been passed successfully, however, he cannot start another financing phase for the project. With the loss of his mandate he cannot initiate new projects anymore, and thus no supplementary project either, in case this should be necessary.
One important aspect of the cooperation module is transparency. All activities are documented and visible to the public. Everybody can obtain information on any person registered on the platform regarding their past and present group memberships, candidatures, and engagements as delegate. It can be examined in detail who has supported which delegate with his vote or financially and for how long. In this way, everybody has the possibility to get information on the supporters and financial resources of a delegate. All project documentation is entirely made available to the public, starting from the project idea, followed by the discussions and agreements that were made, up to the quotes that were obtained for individual tasks. There will be documentation on the amount of financial means and who contributed them to a project, and also on invoices that were received and payments that were made during the implementation of the project. This comprehensive transparency in all areas is to ensure that the status of a project as well as the situation of a delegate can be reproduced at any time.
Financial module
As the cooperation module is based on voluntary actions it cannot dispose of any resources and has no intrinsic power that guarantees that all human beings receive equal access to resources. As the usage of the financial module is also voluntary nobody is forced to contribute to the provisioning of other people. This module is based upon the idea that everybody should have equal access to all resources of our planet, which is why everybody receives equal access to financial means by the financial module. To the same extent as people are willing to accept the complementary currency of the financial module this basic concept of equality is implemented. The financial module offers an easy way to take up on our current money driven structures and use their mechanisms to provide everyone access to resources which are only available via markets and financial transactions. At the same time people are enabled to supply projects with resources by transmitting parts of their financial means to a project.
Global complementary currency
The core of the financial module is a complementary currency that is provided to all human beings on a credit basis. The currency is designed to primarily be used as a means of payment and cannot permanently be withdrawn from circulation. This is ensured through two rules that define the creation and the deletion of money. The first rule determines how money is created: from the moment of birth each human being receives a monthly amount ranging from 100 to 1.000 currency units. The second rule limits the amount of money by determining how money is deleted. Each month all cash balances are reduced by 1 %. The exact amount created each month results from the global participation, i.e. how many people are willing to use the currency. In the beginning an amount of 100 currency units is created each month for every participant. The amount created each month increases at same rate as the participation rate increases. With a participation rate of 40 % an amount of 500 currency units is paid each month to the participants. With a participation rate of 90 % everybody receives the maximum amount of 1.000 currency units per month. This sums up to the maximum money supply of 100.000 currency units per person, because for 100.000 currency units the monthly deletion of 1 % destroys as many currency units as are created each month for a person.
Continuous circulation of money
As each human being is constantly supplied with new liquidity, everyone can exert an effective demand on the money-based product markets. At the same time the deletion of money of 1 % each month, or 12 % annually, respectively, makes the accumulation of money less attractive and this makes investments profitable that have a return of less than zero. In this way the supply of people with money and the regular deletion of money create a constant circulation of money.
Connection to the cooperation module
Provided that the complementary currency can be established as a common currency, every person has access to food, clothing, and shelter on the existing markets, enabling everyone to fulfil his basic needs. Furthermore, every human being can use part of the money that he is granted each month for financing projects of the cooperation module, thus giving projects access to the required resources.
Money supply without gainful employment
The basic supply with financial means of all people opens up important space for re-organizing our working world. It is not vital anymore to earn a financial income, but everyone can select freely if he wants to do so. This separation makes it possible to do without activities that more than anything else consume resources without improving people‘s living conditions. By reducing the dependence on a gainful employment in order to earn a living, a lot of time is made available that people can then use to pursue other goals. This again strengthens the cooperation module, as more people can dispose of the time required to get engaged in activities that matter to them.